Kloud Technologies Limited provides Bangladesh with premium internet solutions for residential and commercial users."
Internet Peering at KloudNIX enables ISPs, CDNs, and enterprises to exchange int...
Mobile Peering at KloudNIX is designed to optimize the performance of mobile net...
Our Private Interconnect service provides a dedicated, high-performance connecti...
The Closed User Group (CUG) service at KloudNIX is designed for organizations or...
Remote Peering allows your network to connect to KloudNIX without needing a phys...
KloudNIX’s Easy Access service provides multiple points of entry to our Internet...
Data Centre Interconnect (DCI) services at KloudNIX provide high-speed, reliable...
Our Anti-DDoS service is designed to protect your network from Distributed Denia...
KloudNIX’s Cloud Access service allows for direct connections to major cloud pro...
Our Microsoft Azure Peering Service provides direct peering with Microsoft Azure...
IX as a Service (IXaaS) at KloudNIX provides businesses with the tools and exper...
If you have questions, feel free to contact our expert for assistance.